International calls are some of the most prevalent sources of nuisance and scam calls. The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) was created to stop sales and marketing calls to UK households. The remit of the TPS does not reach into the international sphere. International callers are essentially free to conduct nuisance calls to UK households. Only through the detection of high-level scam activities and years of investigations can these organisations be brought to justice. The immediate solution to international calls cannot be found in the existing regulation.
To effectively block international calls, the best way is to use call blocking technology. Call blocking technology works on the basis of detecting the caller ID signal and blocking those numbers which are not allowed through. Call Blockers can be set to block all international calls. Or, depending on preference, they may be set to block particular country and area codes. This allows the phone user to effectively block international calls they do not wish to receive while allowing for calls they wish to have.
To discuss this and other solutions to unwanted international calls please call our call blocking experts, freephone on 0800 652 7780 and take a look at the CPR Call Blocker Shield: Click Here